
Pillars of eternity his old self mercenaries
Pillars of eternity his old self mercenaries

pillars of eternity his old self mercenaries

The emperor determined that a new colony represented the perfect opportunity to get them out from underfoot. An economically depressed population of Eothas worshipers grew increasingly agitated with their state of affairs. While Dyrwood worked on resolving differences with the Glanfathans, Aedyr experienced its own troubles. Events related to this purge led to the Saint’s War with Dyrwood, which informally ended in 2808 AI when Waidwen was apparently destroyed by a massive bomb north of Halgot Citadel (popularly renamed Godhammer Citadel). His rule produced a subsequent purge of heretics and followers of other faiths across the nation. Waidwen’s success led to his apparent transformation into a living vessel for Eothas, after which he became the first and only “divine king” of the country. The leader of the movement was a farmer named Waidwen who claimed that the god of light, Eothas, had appeared to him in the night and told him to punish the colonial governor for leading the people to ruin. Not many years ago, a popular religious movement took hold in the countryside, in part sparked by the collapse of the nation’s vorlas market, resultant poverty, and general civil unrest. The ecclesiastic nation that was formerly an Aedyran colony and later an independent theocratic dictatorship, the Divine Kingdom of Readceras.

Pillars of eternity his old self mercenaries